Premiered June 2014 and reprised in June 2017, The Pushers is about the lives of artists.
Intimacy, humor and technical panache combine in SB Dance’s “The Pushers,” a modern and mature exploration of the closets we all find ourselves in and how we get out.
Inspired by “Just Kids,” a book by singer-songwriter Patti Smith that describes her and photographer Robert Mapplethorpe’s artistic and sexual awakening, the piece blends dance, theater and video projection into what the company’s artistic director, Stephen Brown, calls a “dance circus spectacle for curious minds.” — Daisy Blake, Salt Lake City Weekly
Stephen Brown
Rick Santizo
Nathan Shaw
Annie Kent
Christine Hasegawa
John Allen
Florian Alberge
Miriam Gilieadi
Created by: Stephen Brown
Dramaturg & Fixer: Winnie Wood
Lighting by: Jessica Greenberg